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Mountain Hunting Backpack Tips and Guidelines

    Considerations for Backpacks for Mountain Hunting

    A good backpack is something with a with a big main compartment. If it’s too compartmentalized, you can’t get your bigger items in there. Something with a good lid that has some pockets in it is helpful.

    Another another thing that’s good to think about is a rain cover for your pack. It’s pretty beneficial- and sometimes absolutely essential. I personally use a Barneys pack- Barneys sports chalet. I’ve used the Kuiu pack. I’ve used the Mystery Ranch. The Barneys is an external frame. A lot of the internal frames are good. That would probably be something that I would more recommend for the clients.
    Stone Glacier has started making a good pack.

    Our hunts are typically ten day hunts. If you’re doing a backpack hunt, typically what we’ll do is we’ll send you out for 4 to 6 days at a time, and we’ll send you into an area. So it’s not like you’re packing ten days worth of groceries. If you haven’t, haven’t harvested something within that time period either we’ll get you an airdrop or get you more groceries or or we’ll be looking at moving you to a different area that is hopefully a bit more productive.

    So when you’re when you’re headed out on your backpack hunt, you’ll be packing 4 to 6 days worth of food and your gear. You should be landing somewhere in around 50-55 pounds. And then of course you’ll have your rifle or bow.